Together Everyone Achieves More

Daizy Obura
4 min readOct 24, 2018
Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. — Andrew Carnegie

Less formally, TEAM has been looked at as an acronym for Together Everyone Achieves More. I briefly share my understanding of this definition in the following paragraphs.

Together; Analyzing strengths and weaknesses of each team member gets you a step closer to unlocking them. It is also necessary to understand their interests and reaction to different events and situations. This needs to be done to achieve a sense of togetherness so that collaboration is simple.

Everyone should be involved in team activities for it to qualify as one. Goals, milestones, house-rules, objectives and values should be understood by every member so as to share one mind.

Achieving results is the main reason teams are set up; to join as one to accomplish a major goal. Achieving should be given priority over everything, this is done by ensuring that every member understands the goal(s) and collaborates to achieve it.

More is gained when we incorporate the cores for a group to qualify as a team. Time and other resources are invested to achieve more. Individuals increase more in different skills and qualities. Generally, there are more benefits.

I am currently part of a team, and because we are given the same tasks, actions and output of the same kind are required of us. Each challenge clearly states the goals, deliverables and expectations. This identifies us as an Independent team.

We are all running the same race and how I perform does not affect how Daniel performs; my success depends on my effort. However, we are able to help each other in one way or another.

Interaction while in a team is inevitable. How you interact depends on you, but whichever way, it tells you a thing or two about an individual. I choose to analyse four of my team mates for the start, 3 peers and 1 leader. Enjoy this ride as I share my results:

BaRna (emphasize the R) is a very interesting lad, he will say “HI” and you will give in to a brief laugh for reasons I am yet to understand. Even as he tells his rather significant stories, there is so much life added to them. Barnabas is very passionate about software development and that is only obvious for someone who would pick growth in skill over pursuit of degree to get a transcript. He is very helpful and sees to it that you cross bridges that have proven difficult to cross.

Just like BaRna, Farooq is an effortless helper. He helps you unblock that code like his journey depends on it. He is dedicated to his goals and loves to take on challenges because he believes they unlock you to the next level. Persistence is his key and he derives the drive from the fact that one day, he will be at the top.

For as long as I am around free and happy spirits, I feel at peace. People who remind you that there is nothing that can’t be overcome, and that there is no need to panic or worry, even without saying a word, are valuable. Those who welcome & appreciate differences and give you a platform to be yourself.

Such explains the character of Derrick, who allows me to laugh at nothing (because I have failed to live a minute without doing so). He is a go-getter, knows what he wants and goes for it, spelt out by the change in career; civil engineer gone software engineer 😄. Because he is aware of how diverse and innovative this field is and he has taken the opportunity to maximize that.

Our Learning Facilitator Assistant (LFA), Jamillah approaches blockers with the most ideal method there is; analyzing the problem from the root right up to the smallest branch. She would definitely score an A+ in the holistic thinker class.

I know this because I encountered a blocker that kept me behind for about 4 days; only for Jamillah to subtly unblock it in 4steps: study the code, study the error, find the gap and fix it. I paid close attention to this quality which has already rubbed off on me.

She is very kind, knowledgeable, analytical and I am very encouraged as a lady, knowing that I can go as far as she has.

A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members

The bundle of all those characters is what makes our group a TEAM. Together Everyone [of us, has] Achieved More. I mean, would you expect any less from a combination of team helpers, team players, our team dynamics, team work and a team manager?

None of us is as smart as all of us



Daizy Obura

Believer in our Lord Jesus Christ | Techie | Web Developer | Interior Decorator | Jeweller | Learning, Unlearning, Re-learning